24. 8. 30.
Handover of Air Quality Monitoring Stations under Clean Air for Sustainable ASEAN (CASA) project
The first handover ceremony of Air Quality Monitoring Station (AQMS) under Clean Air for Sustainable ASEAN (CASA) project was officially held in Vientiane, Lao PDR on August 14, 2024. Mr. Kim Jong-min, minister-counsellor of the embassy of the Republic of Korea in Lao PDR, delivered opening remarks, followed by Mr. Lienxay Bounmanivanh, Director General of Natural Resources and Environment Research Institute (NRERI) of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) of Lao PDR delivering congratulatory remarks. Five high officials involved in the ribbon-cutting ceremony to commemorate the successful installation and opening of the station on behalf of the attendees, including Mr. Lienxay Bounmanivanh(NRERI), Mr. Kim Jong-min (Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Lao PDR), professor Kiyoung Lee(Seoul National University), vice-mayor of Chanthabuly District, and Vientiane Capital representative. The ceremony was concluded with closing remarks by Professor Kiyoung Lee, the principal investigator of CASA project. In total, four AQMS are allocated for Laos, with the first station being located in Vientiane Capital, the second in Vangvieng district, Vientiane province, and the other two in Luang Prabang and Pakse district of the province of Champassak.

In the afternoon, a seminar was held for government officials in Laos. Professor Kiyoung Lee and Seung-Muk Yi from SNU Graduate School of Public Health presented on the topic of ‘air pollution source analysis’ and ‘utilizing air pollution data’. After the presentations, there was a discussion session to hear from the government officials’ views and thoughts on the current status and needs of air pollution management in Laos.

The CASA project, led by Professor Kiyoung Lee (Graduate School of Public Health, Seoul National University) and his team, is funded by the ASEAN-Korea Cooperation Fund (AKCF) for four years (2023-2026, 11millionUSD). The project encompasses activities of analyzing main air pollutant sources and assessing health impact of air pollution in all 10 ASEAN countries. Eventually the project aims to contribute to the guidance and policy development in the area of environmental health in ASEAN region. It was also highlighted last year as one of the 10 key ASEAN-focused projects selected by the Korean government.